What Is The Purpose Of A Social Security Disability Hearing? The primary purpose of a Social Security disability hearing is to give you an opportunity to present your case to a judge. This hearing allows anyone filing for benefits to provide sworn testimony and share the personal side of their situation beyond what is documented in medical records. It is…Read More
What Issues Can Potentially Arise If Your Initial SSD Application Isn’t Presented Properly? If your initial Social Security Disability (SSD) application isn’t properly presented, several issues can arise. Incomplete information about your work background or misunderstanding what Social Security needs to prove disability can carry through the entire application process. Misfiled forms during the initial stages can lead to misunderstandings…Read More
What Mental Health Conditions Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits? Any mental health condition that affects your ability to work can qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. The key factor is the severity of the condition. The primary concern for the SSA is whether your mental health condition prevents you from maintaining employment. This is the critical threshold for qualification.…Read More
The charts below are a visual representation of the approval rates on disability claims for the 2022 fiscal year. You can compare this to what we saw in 2021 (https://www.lundlawcarolina.com/what-were-the-disability-approval-rates-in-2021/). The second chart includes Continuing Disability Review claims, which provides interesting insight into the rates at which disability claims are ceased when reviewed.Read More
A power of attorney (POA) can be an important element of planning for your elderly parent’s future. It allows another person to take action on your parent’s behalf, ensuring bills get paid and medical decisions can be made in the unfortunate circumstance that your elderly parent is unable to do those things on their own or merely needs help with…Read More
The following chart is a visual representation of the approval rates gathered by SSA for the 2021 Fiscal Year. These rates are pretty consistent from year to year. The full data set can be found on SSA's website at https://www.ssa.gov/disability/data/ssa-sa-fywl.htmRead More
If you’ve spent time reading about Social Security Disability benefits, you have likely heard that there is a five-month waiting period from the point that you are found disabled before you can receive any benefits. This means, regardless of how long you fight to have your benefits approved, the first five months that you were disabled, you will never receive…Read More
This is the start of my 20th year of law practice, and what a year it has been. We opened Lund Law Carolina on January 7, 2020 with the energy and excitement of something new. Little did we know how new it would all be with the pandemic forcing us all out of our new office just 3 months after…Read More
It’s tax season and a good time to look at how what you pay in Social Security taxes is reflected in your eligibility for benefits. There are several types of claims for disability, but they all have the same bottom-line medical definitions of disability. The difference is how the amount of the benefit you receive is determined. Supplemental Security Income…Read More
Today is March 16, 2021 and it has been exactly one year since my last in-person disability hearing. Three Hundred and Sixty-Five days of uncertainty, changes, delays, and weirdness. We have managed to continue with hearings over the phone. If you have a pending hearing you probably have received a COVID 19 hearing changes letter describing the choices between waiting…Read More