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An Overview Of Social Security Disability Insurance And Its Different Benefits

An Overview Of Social Security Disability Insurance And Its Different Benefits Lawyer, Charlotte CitySocial Security Disability Insurance benefits come from a program that was established to assist those with illnesses or injuries that prevent them from being able to perform any type of work. Social Security will not consider looking at your disability claim unless you have been unable to work for a minimum of 12 months due to a health condition.

Your disability can qualify regardless of whether it is a mental condition or a physical condition – as long as it’s documented by your doctors that you are unable to work for at least 12 months. If you qualify, you would be most likely to receive a monthly cash benefit and access to either Medicaid or Medicare, depending on the program.

Different types of disability benefits exist, but they all start with that same basic definition of disability, and they all have the same requirement that a health condition prevents you from being able to perform any kind of job for at least 12 months. The most common long-term disability programs include:

Title II Disability Benefits: To qualify for Title II Disability benefits, you need to have paid into Social Security.

SSI Benefits: There are also SSI (Supplemental Security Insurance) benefits, which we think of more as welfare disability benefits. You don’t necessarily have to have worked to be able to receive SSI benefits, but you must meet financial eligibility criteria to receive payments.

Potential Benefits Through A Deceased Spouse: Potential benefits may be available through a deceased spouse, disabled widow’s benefit, or individuals who are over the age of 50.

Disabled Adult Child Benefits. Disabled adult child benefits are primarily for individuals who have lifelong disabilities or have become disabled at a very young age and will need to be provided for throughout their life.

The Injuries Or Illnesses That Are Generally Covered Under Social Security Disability

Any illnesses or injuries can be covered as long as they’re considered to be a condition that more than minimally interferes with the ability to function at work. These injuries or illnesses must prevent the performance of any type of work, particularly for individuals under age 50. In general, what we’re looking at is an inability to perform any type of job as a result of any type of health condition.

The Effect Of Other Disability Benefits On Your Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security considers any other kinds of benefits you may be receiving when assessing your claim. For example, if you receive workers’ compensation, Social Security has a provision where they reduce social security payments to account for workers’ compensation payments.

Additionally, when analyzing your disability claim, Social Security will always look at your household income. Thus, other sources of income certainly will impact your qualifying for SSI benefits.

On the flip side, some benefits such as veterans’ disability, VA service-connected payments, and long-term disability payments through a private insurer, do not negatively impact social security disability claims. However, the opposite may be true for some of these programs, particularly for long-term disability benefits.

Social Security may make any number of reductions depending on your particular case. But ultimately, social security disability benefits are a key component of your financial and healthcare security. As such, working with an experienced attorney is the best way to make sure you get the coverage you need.

The Key Thing To Remember In The SSD Claims Process

The best thing you can remember about the application process for Social Security disability is that it requires patience. Of course, this is not easy when you aren’t working and aren’t sure how you are going to pay the bills – but when dealing with the government, patience is key to the process.

With the guidance of a skilled attorney for Social Security Disability Law Cases, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we’ll make it look easy. For more information on Social Security Disability Law in North Carolina, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling or texting (704) 412-4773 today.

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